Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Well, hi there! :) I'm still not really sure why I'm writing this blog. :)
Wait, yes I do: 'Cause I'm bored. Boredom inspires greatness, though - right?
Anyway, in case you somehow found me and DON'T know me, my name is Anna.
  • My favorite books are: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus, Underland Chronicles, The Matched Trilogy, and Hunger Games Trilogy. 
  • I play competitive soccer, and I play goalkeeper! Yeah!
  • I read. A LOT. So be prepared of mindless ramblings on books I liked and/or hated.
  • If you're looking for best friends, they're taken - by me! Bwahaha. :) I'm looking at you, M, E, M, A, K, and A!!!
  • I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year. It is consuming me. OK, not really. But it's fun!
  • I love to sing and play piano!
  • I like making lists. :)
Anyway...this is my blog. Be prepared for complete randomness at completely random times of day.

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